1. Run "ssh-keygen -t rsa".
2. Save the generated key in the default location.
3. Leave the passphrase blank.
4. Change to the .ssh directory, and append the contents of id_rsa.pub
to the file "authorized_keys." If no authorized_keys file exists, you
can just run "cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys".
Now you should be able to ssh to department machines without typing
your password. Note that if you're doing this from a non-department
Linux machine, you should do steps 1, 2, and 3 from the command prompt
of your machine, and step 4 from the command prompt of any department
Linux machine. If you're doing this from a department Linux machine,
do all steps on that machine.
- Elliot
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
ssh without password howto
R legacy help galton
## calling C functions from R gcc -c kendall.c R CMD SHLIB -o libkendall.so kendall.o R dyn.load('libkendall.so') xd <- c(44.4, 45.9, 41.9, 53.3, 44.7, 44.1, 50.7, 45.2, 60.1) yd <- c( 2.6, 3.1, 2.5, 5.0, 3.6, 4.0, 5.2, 2.8, 3.8) .C("kendall",as.double(xd),as.double(yd),as.integer(9), result=as.integer(1))$result ## header rm(list=ls()) options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment","contr.poly")) setwd("/mnt/win_c/my documents/stat/ammonia") ## plot function plot(fun,-5, 5, ylim = c(-.2, 1)) eval.parent(expr) ## example eval.parent(media <- 1), used inside ## functions to change global variables media <<- 1 ## does the same rep(x,n) replicates x n-times mtext("texto",side=3,line=.5) install.packages("fields","/aa/haky/R/Library") library("fields",lib="/aa/haky/R/Library") detach(package:fields) setenv R_LIBS /aa/haky/R/Library (then no need to specify lib=...) xmat <- matrix(NA,n,n) #print dev.print() dev.copy2eps(file="filename.ps") # postscript(file="plot.ps",horizontal=F,heigth=9,width=7) dev.off() as.numeric(x<1) # stop watch tic<-Sys.time() ....do something here toc<-Sys.time() print(toc-tic) paste(s1,s2,sep="") system("mail -s something haky@galton.uchicago.edu < output")< ## strip an object's attributes: attributes(x) <- NULL x # now just a vector of length 6 kk[names(kk)=="site"] is same as kk$site unlist(x) debug(myfunction) undebug(myfunction) call R from emacs (ESS): alt-x R par(mfrow=c(3,2))
legacy galton help
# synchronize file system rsync -avz --exclude '*.eps' Penalty aitken:~/donnpc/ . # dry run - shows only what would have been transferred rsync -avzn --exclude '*.eps' Penalty aitken:~/donnpc/ . | less # indent region mode dependent M - C - \ # rigid tab region C - x - TAB # restart pcmcia, network /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart /etc/init.d/network restart # create symbolic links ln -s /home/azubrow/CMAQ_v4.3/data/emis/M_36_EUSA ./emisfiles # run identical command in all nodes sshall uptime sshall w To run batch jobs in ravana chmod u+x batch ./batch & batch: #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/nohup nice -5 R BATCH mplefft.r output Ctrl-z (suspend) bg (sends process to background) fg(bring process to foreground) rm rmdir mkdir mv chmod 700 mydir (no access to others) ftp $ scp * ravana:~/ gunzip filename: unzip gzip filename: zip tar xvf filename.tar: extract tar tar cvf filename.tar filename or directory: merges files get rid of the ^M: in vi type :%s/(ctrl-v)(ctrl-m)//g in emacs M-x replace-regexp RET C-q C-m $ RET RET chsh #changes shell in unix mail -s "subject" email@galton <> mkdir work_dir > cd work_dir > Splus5 CHAPTER > touch .Data/.Audit > chmod 0 .Data/.Audit emacs kk.s alt-x S+6
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