Friday, April 20, 2012

python script to convert plink bed/bim to qtdt format

import os

sdir = '/hapmap/'
basebedname = 'hapmap3'
ddir = '/erlotinib/'
temponame = 'tempo'
phenoname = 'erlotinib'

os.system('plink --bfile ' + sdir + basebedname + ' --recode12 --out ' + ddir + temponame )

## join tempo.ped with phenodata.txt 
## and generate pheno.ped file

shortfilename = ddir +  "phenodata.txt" ## FID,IID,dad,mom,sex,pheno1,...
longfilename = ddir +  temponame + ".ped" ## FID,IID,dad,mom,sex,pheno,snp1,...
outfilename = ddir + phenoname + ".ped"

index = {}
shortfile= open( shortfilename, "r" )
for row in shortfile:
    part = row.split(None,2)
    iid = part[1] ## IID is the second column in phenofile
    index[iid] = row.rstrip()
    ## rstrip gets rid of \n and other white spaces


outfile = open( outfilename, "w")
longfile= open( longfilename, "r" )

for row in longfile:
    part = row.split(None,6)
    iid = part[1]
    restofline = part[6]
    if iid in index:
        pheno = index[iid]
        outfile.write( pheno + ' ' + restofline)


## generate pheno.dat file

infilename = ddir + temponame + '.map'
outfilename = ddir + phenoname + '.dat'

infile = open(infilename,'r')
outfile = open(outfilename,'w')

## write covariates and phenotype names
outfile.write('C igrowth\n')
outfile.write('T logAUC\n')

## write one row per snp
for linea in infile:
 part = linea.split(None,2)
 newlinea = 'M ' + part[1] + '\n'


Friday, April 13, 2012

create new theme for ggplot


theme_complete_bw <- function(base_size = 12) {
    axis.line =         theme_blank(),
    axis.text.x =       theme_text(size = base_size * 0.8 , lineheight = 0.9, colour = "black", vjust = 1),
    axis.text.y =       theme_text(size = base_size * 0.8, lineheight = 0.9, colour = "black", hjust = 1),
    axis.ticks =        theme_segment(colour = "black"),
    axis.title.x =      theme_text(size = base_size, vjust = 0.5),
    axis.title.y =      theme_text(size = base_size, angle = 90, vjust = 0.5),
    axis.ticks.length = unit(0.15, "cm"),
    axis.ticks.margin = unit(0.1, "cm"),
    legend.background = theme_rect(colour=NA), 
    legend.key =        theme_rect(fill = NA, colour = "black", size = 0.25),
    legend.key.size =   unit(1.2, "lines"),
    legend.text =       theme_text(size = base_size * 0.8),
    legend.title =      theme_text(size = base_size * 0.8, face = "bold", hjust = 0),
    legend.position =   "right",
    panel.background =  theme_rect(fill = NA, colour = "black", size = 0.25), 
    panel.border =      theme_blank(),
    panel.grid.major =  theme_line(colour = "black", size = 0.05),
    panel.grid.minor =  theme_line(colour = "black", size = 0.05),
    panel.margin =      unit(0.25, "lines"),
    strip.background =  theme_rect(fill = NA, colour = NA), 
    strip.text.x =      theme_text(colour = "black", size = base_size * 0.8),
    strip.text.y =      theme_text(colour = "black", size = base_size * 0.8, angle = -90),
    plot.background =   theme_rect(colour = NA, fill = "white"),
    plot.title =        theme_text(size = base_size * 1.2),
    plot.margin =       unit(c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5), "lines")
  ), class = "options")

Thursday, April 12, 2012

# cdf: cd's to frontmost window of Finder (by Yarko)

copy the following in ~/.bash_profile

# cdf: cd's to frontmost window of Finder
cdf ()
    currFolderPath=$( /usr/bin/osascript <<"    EOT"
        tell application "Finder"
                set currFolder to (folder of the front window as alias)
            on error
                set currFolder to (path to desktop folder as alias)
            end try
            POSIX path of currFolder
        end tell
    # ignore the cd if it's my desktop
    if [ "$currFolderPath" != "$HOME/Desktop/" ]
        echo "cd to \"$currFolderPath\""
        cd "$currFolderPath"
        echo "no finder path to cd to..."

