Print-to-PDF mysteries revealed
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Adding letter head to latex file
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{wallpaper} \ULCornerWallPaper{1}{letterheadfile.pdf} \begin{document} Your text on the letterhead \end{document} via
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
R script to query UCSC database - RMySQL
## this will let you install R packages in a directory where you have access .libPaths('~/Rlibs/') ## create directory ~/Rlibs if it doesnt exist install.packages(RMySQL) ## call the RMySQL library library(RMySQL) ## connect to UCSC server channel = dbConnect(MySQL(), user="genome", host="") ## for a list of tables check url below ## ## convenience function to run SQL queries query <- function(...) dbGetQuery(channel, ...) ## use hg19 database in UCSC to use query("USE hg19") ## see table content query("DESCRIBE snpArrayAffy5") ## get number of rows from table print( query("select count(*) from snpArrayAffy6") ) ## get number of rows from table tempo6 = query("select * from snpArrayAffy6")
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Statistical Genetics/Genomics Intro Material (On github by Rafael Irizarry and Michael Love) Data analysis for genomics Python Linux Basic Commands R intro UCLA R Basic Vocabulary Coursera Data Specialization Courses
Friday, June 20, 2014
Inverse normalization function
my.invnorm = function(x) { res = rank(x) res = qnorm(res/(length(res)+0.5)) return(res) }
Thursday, May 15, 2014
drop repeated vars keeping first row for given var
## function ## drop repeated vars but keeping first row for given var droprep = function(df,repvar,sortvar) { tab = table(df[,repvar]) nametab = names(tab) uniquelist = nametab[tab==1] replist = nametab[tab>1] ind = df[,repvar] %in% uniquelist res = df[ind,] tempo = df[!ind,] tempo = tempo[order(tempo[,sortvar]),] for(vv in replist) { rowa = tempo[tempo[,repvar]==vv,][1,] res = rbind(res,rowa) } return(res) }
Monday, March 24, 2014
How to create MySQL database with Entrez Gene Database Description and Files "Entrez Gene is NCBI's repository for gene-specific information. Access to this information either through the Entrez Gene website or by flat files via NCBI's ftp site can be time consuming and limiting in regards to the number of and what questions you can ask about the data. A better solution for intense data mining is to create a relational database. We offer our MySQL based database and data loading script as an easy-to-implement solution to this problem. While the ER diagram describes the database we created, we also offer the SQL syntax for both the tables and indexes. The data loading script, which is written in Perl, will automatically download Entrez Gene data files, parse the data and load it into the MySQL database."
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
How to start shiny application
Fire up R/RStudio, make sure you have the shiny package installed, and type library(shiny) runApp('~/vcs/rcg/haky') where you replace '~/vcs/rcg/haky' with the path to the directory containing the ui.R, server.R and screen.tiff files, and the data subdirectory. It should fire right up; you can then stop it by sending R an interrupt.
Monday, February 24, 2014
How to post R packages on cran
Here's the procedure for reference: upload the .tar.gz file, using ‘anonymous’ as log-in name and your e-mail address as password, to (note: use ‘ftp’ and not ‘sftp’ to connect to this server, and passive ‘ftp’ is more often successful) and send a message to about it (with your package name and version in the subject line of the form “CRAN submission package version”, and please do not submit a package by email). For a new submission, please note in the message that you have read and agreed to the CRAN policies.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
How to access dbgap authorized files
As of 2/19/2014, I could log in directly through using the Era Commons ID
Before I had to do the following steps
1. Log into Era Commons need an Era Commons ID)
2. Goto
3. Click log in
You should be in then.
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