1. Install aspera
download from http://downloads.asperasoft.com/downloads (select aspera connect and then show all installers)
2. Download using aspera
working exampole download gtex to tarbell 11/25/214 (this didn’t work, cri-syncmon.cri.uchicago.edu may work)
"/home/him1/.aspera/connect/bin/ascp" -QTr -l 300M -k 1 -i "/home/him1/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh" -W AB6D9CB19B62747EC89082FF7954E5F901C737E21A8D44CC3B2D4D2E94D0AA1E7C79C059D9E704B36AF81B523E9EA81C4D dbtest@gap-upload.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:data/instant/haeky2/41316 .
3. download manifest
4. get repository key
5. Decrypt (modified on 4/15/2015)
- download decryption tools from dbGaP
- run ./vdb-config -i from the sratoolkit bin directory
- press 4 and import repository key (prj_6981.ngc, this will create a working folder /Users/haky/ncbi/dbGaP-6981/)
- from the working directory created by the ugly vdb-config run vbd-decrypt
> cd /Users/haky/ncbi/dbGaP-6981/
> ~/bin/sratoolkit.2.4.5-2-mac64/bin/vdb-decrypt /Volumes/Pegasus/im-lab/nas40t2/haky/Data/dbGaP/GTEx/43830
working examples:
5052 is the number of the project that requested the data access (5052=Phenotype Prediction IRB)
43831 is the download request id
I should clean it up but the instructions on decrypting were helpful.