qqunif = function(p,BH=T,...) { nn = length(p) xx = -log10((1:nn)/(nn+1)) plot( xx, -sort(log10(p)), xlab=expression(Expected~~-log[10](italic(p))), ylab=expression(Observed~~-log[10](italic(p))), ... ) abline(0,1,col='gray') if(BH) { lines( xx, -log10(0.05*(1:nn)/(nn+1)), col='red') lines( xx, -log10(0.10*(1:nn)/(nn+1)), col='orange') lines( xx, -log10(0.25*(1:nn)/(nn+1)), col='yellow') legend('bottomright', c("FDR = 0.05","FDR = 0.10","FDR = 0.25"), col=c('red','orange','yellow'),lty=1, cex=1.4) } }
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
pvalue plot vs uniform; FDR
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
imagesc in CDAT
The imagesc function in MATLAB creates plots that have color bars scaled to a user-specified range. This allows you to simply create a whole series of plots that can be easily intercompared. The following function imitates imagesc: import vcs def imagesc(x, mini, maxi): t = vcs.init() a = t.getboxfill('quick') a.level_1 = mini a.level_2 = maxi t.plot(x, a) x is the input array and mini and maxi define the range in values to plot. The function establishes a VCS canvas, imports the "quick" boxfill graphics method, sets the level range to mini and maxi, and plots x using this customized graphics method. other tips for CDAT/Python check http://www.johnny-lin.com/cdat_tips/
Thursday, December 3, 2009
likelihood ratio test
> logLik.test function(fit0,fit) { l0 = logLik(fit0) l1 = logLik(fit) lratio = abs(as.numeric(l0)-as.numeric(l1)) df = abs( attr(l1,'df') - attr(l0,'df') ) pval = 1-pchisq( 2*lratio, df) return(pval) }
log likelihood from lm, glm, polr
> fit = lm(y ~ x) > logLik(fit) 'log Lik.' -36.4 (df=4) > attr(logLik(fit),'df') [1] 4
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
plots boxplot, stripchart and mean
## CAN BE REPLACED BY qplot in ggplot2 package
qplot(x,y,geom=c("boxplot","jitter")) ## plots boxplot, stripchart and mean boxjitter = function(x,y=NULL,border='gray',jitter=.1,vertical=T,...) { if(!is.null(y)) { boxplot(y~x,border=border,ylim = range(y,na.rm=T),outline=F,...) stripchart(y~x,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=T) meanvec = tapply(y,x,mean.na) points(1:length(meanvec),meanvec,pch="M",col='blue') } else { x = x[!is.na(x)] boxplot(x,border=border,ylim = range(x),outline=F,...) stripchart(x,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=T) points(1,mean.na(x),pch="M",col='blue') } }
Thursday, October 22, 2009
calculate number of minor alleles from A G format
num.minal = function(a1,a2) { aall = c(a1,a2) tab = table(aall) miname = names(tab)[tab==min(tab)] apply(cbind(a1==miname,a2==miname),1,sum) }
plink coding --recodeAD
plink --file data --recodeAD which, assuming C is the minor allele, will recode genotypes as follows: SNP SNP_A , SNP_HET --- ----- ----- A A -> 0 , 0 A C -> 1 , 1 C C -> 2 , 0 0 0 -> NA , NA
R table, percentages and chi square test like in stata
table.all = function(...) { args = list(...) dnn = names(args) x = args[[1]] y = args[[2]] print(table(x,y,dnn=dnn)) print("percentage by row") print( round( prop.table(table(x,y,dnn=dnn),1) * 100 ) ) print("percentage by col") print( round( prop.table(table(x,y,dnn=dnn),2) * 100 ) ) print(chisq.test(table(x,y,dnn=dnn)) ) }
Friday, October 2, 2009
order data frames in R
say data has read and prog as colums data[order(read, prog), ] this will order first by read then by prog data[order(-read), ] - reverses the order ** there can be conflicts if read is a variable outside of the data frame. Use data[order(data[,1]),] assuming read is column 1 from: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/R/faq/sort.htm
Thursday, October 1, 2009
list names from data that contain charname
## list names from data frames that contain charname grepnames = function(charname,data) { names(data)[grep(charname,names(data))] }
Friday, September 25, 2009
power calculation in SAS
proc power; twosamplefreq test=pchi groupproportions = (.5034 .6459) power = . groupns = ( 1494 373) alpha = 0.00005; run; proc power; twosamplesurvival test=logrank gexphs = 0.6733 | 0.4155 accrualtime = .00001 follouptime = 1 groupns = 200 | 200 grouplossexphazards = (0 0) power = .; proc power; twosamplesurvival test=logrank curve("Control") = (1):(.45) curve("Treatment") = (1):(.66) groupsurvival = "Control" | "Treatment" GROUPLOSSEXPHAZARDS = (.2231 .2231) /*grouplossexphazards = (0,0)*/ accrualtime = .00001 follouptime = 1 groupns = 120 | 120 power = .; run; proc power; twosamplesurvival test=logrank curve("Control") = (1):(.51) curve("Treatment") = (1):(.66) groupsurvival = "Control" | "Treatment" GROUPLOSSEXPHAZARDS = (.2231 .2231) /*grouplossexphazards = (0,0)*/ accrualtime = .00001 follouptime = 1 groupns = 100 | 100 power = .; run; proc power; twosamplesurvival test=logrank curve("Control") = (1):(.45) curve("Treatment") = (1):(.70) groupsurvival = "Control" | "Treatment" GROUPLOSSEXPHAZARDS = (.2231 .2231) /*grouplossexphazards = (0,0)*/ accrualtime = .00001 follouptime = 1 groupns = 200 | 200 power = .; run;
how to get rid of emac's automatic switching of _ into ->
Solution by Paul R. (thanks!) M-x set-variableess-S-assign "-" That's it.
Monday, April 13, 2009
File Management in Python
( Page 1 of 5 )
File management is a basic function, and an important part of many applications. Python makes file management surprisingly easy, especially when compared to other languages. Peyton McCullough explains the basics.
The game you played yesterday uses files to store game saves. The order you placed yesterday was saved in a file. That report you typed up this morning was, obviously, stored in a file as well.
File management is an important part of many applications written in nearly every language. Python is no exception to this. In this article, we will explore the task of manipulating files using several modules. We'll read, write to, append and do other strange things to files. Let's get started.
Reading and Writing
The most basic tasks involved in file manipulation are reading data from files and writing data to files. This is a very simple task to learn. Let's open a file for writing:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt', 'w' )
The "w" indicates that we will be writing to the file, and the rest is pretty simple to understand. The next step is to write data to the file:
fileHandle.write ( 'This is a test.\nReally, it is.' )
This will write the string "This is a test." to the file's first line and "Really, it is." to the file's second line. Finally, we need to clean up after ourselves and close the file:
As you can see, it's very easy, especially with Python's object orientation. Note that when you use the "w" mode to write to the file again, all its contents will be deleted. To get past this, use the "a" mode to append data to a file, adding data to the bottom:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt', 'a' )
fileHandle.write ( '\n\n\nBottom line.' )
Now let's read our file and display the contents:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
print fileHandle.read()
This will read the entire file and print the data within it. We can also read a single line in the file:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
print fileHandle.readline() # "This is a test."
It is also possible to store the lines of a file into a list:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
fileList = fileHandle.readlines()
for fileLine in fileList:
print '>>', fileLine
When reading a file, Python's place in the file will be remembered, illustrated in this example:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
garbage = fileHandle.readline()
fileHandle.readline() # "Really, it is."
Only the second line is displayed. We can, however, get past this by telling Python to resume reading from a different position:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
garbage = fileHandle.readline()
fileHandle.seek ( 0 )
print fileHandle.readline() # "This is a test."
In the above example, we tell Python to continue reading from the first byte in the file. Thus, the first line is printed. We can also request Python's place within the file:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
print fileHandle.readline() # "This is a test."
print fileHandle.tell() # "17"
print fileHandle.readline() # "Really, it is."
It is also possible to read the file a few bytes at a time:
fileHandle = open ( 'test.txt' )
print fileHandle.read ( 1 ) # "T"
fileHandle.seek ( 4 )
print FileHandle.read ( 1 ) # "T"
When working with Windows and Macintosh, sometimes you are required to read and write files in binary mode, such as images or executional files. To do this, simply append "b" to the file mode:
fileHandle = open ( 'testBinary.txt', 'wb' )
fileHandle.write ( 'There is no spoon.' )
fileHandle = open ( 'testBinary.txt', 'rb' )
print fileHandle.read()
#write to file
f = open('c:/temp/workfile','w')
#open from file
f = open('file.txt')
#read linewise
for i in f:
print i
#read characterwise
for i in f.read():
print i
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