Tuesday, February 16, 2010

running R64 in aquamacs



1) Aquamacs is terrific because it comes bundled with about everything you need to 
start using R with it. No need to separately download ESS (emacs speaks statistics) 
or mess with the .ess-lisp files. Download Aquamacs from http://aquamacs.org/ and 
install it.

2) Now any file with an “.R” extension that is opened with aquamacs will 
automatically have syntax highlighting AND will allow you to start 64-bit R. I 
highly recommend checking out this page, http://ess.r-project.org/, and downloading 
the ESS reference card therein if you are new. Emacs has a bit of a learning curve, 
but you’ll begin loving its capabilities as an aid to programming very soon.

3) To start 64-bit R from within aquamacs hit Control-u then Alt-x then “R” then 
. Aquamacs will ask you for “Starting Args”. Here’s where you tell it you 
want to run 64-bit R. Type “--arch=x86_64” then . A new window will open up 
that is the R session.

4) That’s almost it. Just one more issue: graphing will crash (something to do with 
the new R and X11). Aquamacs has X11 as the default (null) graphics device. To 
change this, type in R: “options(device=”quartz”)”. Now your null graphics device is 
quartz and it should all work out. If you really want to use X11 to write graphics, 
you can use x11(type="Xlib")' for each new graph. What I do is to set 
“options(device=”quartz”) within my Rprofile.site file.

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